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These settings are important for the proper functioning of the cash register. We do not recommend changing them in any case without the recommendation of technical support!



Displayed decimals

Number of displayed decimal places for product prices on the main screen and in the management of items. This setting also has an impact on the display of prices in orders and on printed receipts. If the value is set to 0, the following setup for the Number of displayed decimal places in items of orders will have no impact because in this case all prices will automatically be rounded to a whole number. (Recommended settings for most establishments: 2 decimal numbers)

Receipt items decimals round*

This option sets the rounding of prices for individual products in the receipt. The set value has no impact on the number of displayed decimal places but defines how the prices of recorded products are rounded. It requires that the Number of displayed decimal places is set at 1 or higher. (Recommended settings for most establishments: 2)

Possible values and rounding


Prices will be always rounded (84.49 will be rounded down to 84, while 84.50 will be rounded up to 85).


Numbers will only be rounded to the tenth decimal place (84.49 will be rounded up to 84.50).


Ordinary prices in the Czech Republic will not be rounded (84.49 will not be rounded at all).

3 or higher

Not used in the Czech Republic, but reserved for other currencies.


Receipt total decimals round*

This option sets rounding for the total price on the receipt. The set value has no impact on the number of displayed decimal places defines how the total price is rounded. It requires that the Number of displayed decimal places is set at 1 or higher. (Recommended settings for most establishments: 0)

Possible values and rounding


The TOTAL price will always be rounded (184.49 will be rounded down to 184 , while 184.50 will be rounded up to 185).


TOTALS will be rounded to the tenth decimal place (184.49 will be rounded up to 184.50 ).


Ordinary TOTAL prices in the Czech Republic will not be rounded (184.49 will not be rounded at all).

3 or higher

Not used in the Czech Republic, but reserved for other currencies.



Require stable weight

Does not allow adding a weighted item to an account if the value read from the scale is not stable. This option will prevent a weighed product from being charged with an inaccurate weight.

Use tares with scale

When you enter the quantity of the weighed goods, a dialog for subtracting tare is displayed. This chapter deals with the creation and use of tare in Dotypos.



Permanent connection mode

A special mode for working with accounts using the POS Actions feature in the Dotypos API. Once activated, register constantly checks the request queue and processes the received data. This makes working with POS Actions much faster. Do not enable it if you do not use the Dotypos API in this way.

Automatically restart the application

If enabled, the Dotypos application will automatically restart at night (assuming the register is running). Restarting the app regularly helps to keep it in optimal condition.


This manual is for information purposes only and does not provide any warranty. The given specifications may be changed without prior notification. Illustrations and schemes are for information purposes only. The appearance and functions of both the device and software may differ based on the current version of the product and applications.

Created with from Dotypos. ©2024 Dotykačka ČR s.r.o.


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