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Inventory overview

Purchase and sales price differential

Sales price difference

Inventory overview

You can find all the inventories in the overview on the tab Warehouses » Stock taking. You can complete a work-in-progress inventory here 01 or view the details of a completed inventory here 02.



Clicking the DETAIL button next to the selected completed inventory will display its report. You can customize this report by adding, removing or moving individual columns under the COLUMN SETTINGS menu 03. The columns are handled in the same way as in the data reports. The inventory report can be exported to one of the supported formats using the buttons 04.




The column settings are stored locally in your browser. After deleting the cookies, the settings are reset. Similarly, the column settings will not be accessible from another computer. This allows each user to set the report to their own preferences.



Purchase and sales price differential

The page with an overview of products for stocktaking displays the purchase price differential (PP differential). This price is calculated by adding the actual quantities in stock for the specific product and its purchase prices. The sale price differential (SP differential) is similarly calculated by adding products in stock and their sale prices.


1.You buy 100 of a product at a purchase price 10 EUR each.

2.Two days later there are 50 of the product left in the warehouse at purchase price of 10 EUR each.

3.The next day you buy 10 of the same product at 5 EUR per piece.

This means the displayed purchase price differential for this product will be:

(50 x 10) + (10 x 5) = 550: 60 = EUR 9.1


Sales price difference

In the overview of products for stocktaking, depending on the entered warehouse status you can also see the calculated sales price differences (SP financial differential) based on the preceding stocktaking balance, calculated Write-Off and stock in. The sales price difference is calculated using this formula:

(Warehouse status found by the previous stock-taking - Current warehouse status - Write-offs + Stock ins) * Item sales price, VAT exclusive.


This manual is for information purposes only and does not provide any warranty. The given specifications may be changed without prior notification. Illustrations and schemes are for information purposes only. The appearance and functions of both the device and software may differ based on the current version of the product and applications.

Created with from Dotypos. ©2024 Dotykačka ČR s.r.o.


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