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User privileges for cash register operations and Stock application

This describes the default settings when all privileges are enabled. Information can be found below about what kind of access users lose when the relevant function is disabled. Information about how to set privileges for individual users (employees) operating the cash register can be found in this chapter. Two separate groups of privileges can be assigned to users, one for cash register operations and the other for the Stock application. Set user rights are active immediately, no new login or restart of the cash register is required.

In addition to privileges for cash register operations or the Stock application, you can also specify what kind of information the user will see after logging into Dotypos Cloud. However, user privileges in Dotypos Cloud are assigned to dedicated user accounts, with no connection to the employee accounts in the cash register. So even a person that does not work with the cash register can have access to Dotypos Cloud, for instance when a sales overview is needed. The process for creating a user account in Dotypos Cloud and assigning privileges can be found in this chapter.



Common permissions - user privileges for cash register operations

Show sales (all)

Disables access to the sales overview. User have no access to the complete sales overview, sold items, employees, customer sales or warehouse operations.

Show sales (current shift)

Enables sales overview only for the currently opened shift. Users cannot select their own time periods for displaying the sales overview. They can see the overview only for the current shift/day.

See cash balance

Enables to display expected state of finance on the register closure dialog.

Print ZReports

Enables automatic printing of the cash register closure. To be functional, Automatically print ZReport must be enabled in the settings of the corresponding print job.

Show profit

Enables to display profit on the sales overview and on the shift report. It also prevents the profit from being printed on the sales balance.

Show tips

Enables to display tips on the sales overview and on the shift report. It also prevents the tips from being printed on the sales balance.

Manage items

Enables access to the Item management. Users cannot create or adjust products and categories.

Print price tags

Enables the printing of price tags in Item Management. A user with this privilege who does not have the Manage Items privilege active will only be able to print price tags in Item Management.

Edit/Add Users

Enables access to the User management

Show Customer button

Enables to display button Customer in tile menu for possibility to choose customer manually.

Edit/Add customers

Enables create, edit and remove customers accounts.

Edit customer account expiration date

Allows you to modify the expiration date of a customer account.

Cash out

Enables access to the In/Out cash for possibility to register cash operations.

Display order history

Enables access to the History of issued receipts.

Change payment type

Enables to change payment method of the receipts in the History.

Cancel issued documents

Enables to make cancellations of the receipts in the History.

Cancel open orders

Enables to make cancellations of the open orders.

Change parked order items

Enables to edit parked items on the parked orders. Enables full edit, including to add or remove pieces, or to delete item from the parked order.

Change not parked order items

Enables to edit parked items on the opened orders. Enables full edit, including to add or remove pieces, or to delete item from the order.

Move orders and items

Allows you to move parked orders to another table and also move items on an order to another order.

Print control receipt

Enables to print the review receipt from the open order.

Offer discounts

Enables to give discounts on the open order / item of the open order.

Issue a receipt without paying

Enables to issue the receipt without payment.

Allow Write-Off

Enables to use payment method the Write-Offs. Is required to have enabled "Write-Offs" in the Payment Settings

Open cash drawer

Enables to display button Open Cash drawer in tile menu. Is required to have enabled Display open button on main screen in the Cash drawer settings.

Change application settings

Enables to change advanced options (Application settings) of cash register.

Stock management

Enables access to the Stock application. Permission is superior to other Stock permissions.

Issue order in Mobile Waiter

Allows you to issue orders Mobile Waiter.

Open/close cash register

Allows you to open or close the cash register, i.e. end the shift.

Edit initial cash register balance

Allows entering (editing) the initial cash register status when opening the cash register.

Modify order item sale price

Allows changing the price of items in open (parked) orders. Without this permission, it will not be possible to edit the price in this dialog.


User privileges for Stock application

Access to stock

Enables access to the Stock application.

Store items to stock

Enables to make stock-up.

Correct the stock quantity

Enables to make stock-up corrections

Enter item price

Enables to modify purchase price when stock-up.

View on stock amount

Enables to display current stock status.

View inventory

Enables to display inventory report.

Create inventory

Enables to create new inventory.

View on stock amount during inventory

Enables to display amount of current stock status during the inventory.

Edit warehouses

Enables to display the Warehouse management and to rename warehouses.

View stock reports

Enables to display the reports.

Stock reports export

Enables to export reports and send them by email.

View suppliers detail

Enables to display the Supplier management.

Create/Edit suppliers

Enables to create new and edit existing suppliers.

Process delivery notes

Allows the processing of electronic delivery notes and remittances.


This manual is for information purposes only and does not provide any warranty. The given specifications may be changed without prior notification. Illustrations and schemes are for information purposes only. The appearance and functions of both the device and software may differ based on the current version of the product and applications.

Created with from Dotypos. ©2024 Dotykačka ČR s.r.o.


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