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Dotypos Cloud lets you import or export products and their categories. If you have already created products or categories, you can export them to the file and use it for backups or adjustments. If you import this file back via Dotypos Cloud, the products and categories will be automatically updated or newly created. You may import just one .csv file. Before importing the .xls file, you have to save it in .csv format first. Before uploading the file, the data is checked.



To find out how to import / export, see the parent chapter.


Each product or category has its own ID number. If you modify an item in the .csv file, the item with the same ID number will be adjusted in Dotypos Cloud after the import and also in the touch cash register after synchronization. The items in the file for import correspond to the product properties.

You will find the import and export buttons in the page heading at Item management » Products.

If you have not created any products or categories yet and you want to batch import them, download base template and replace the sample data with yours. Then import the file. The procedure is described in this chapter.


Description of import file columns

Product import file



Error message during import


Unique number product (choose any series of numbers, e.g. 101, 102 and so forth). This product number must be unique. Do not reuse a number that had earlier been assigned for a now-deleted product.



Do not fill this column out, but leave it with empty values. It is used to identify record updates internally.



The unique number of category. A product will be assigned to the corresponding category according to this number. If you leave the category ID blank, the product will be automatically assigned to the common category Import. If you want to assign the product to a new category, enter categoryId as a random unique number for each new category and enter the category name in the categoryName column.



Name of category to which the product will belong. It will only be accepted with the first import to the Dotypos without categories and products. For subsequent imports, you must specify the corresponding categoryId to the existing category, which you will find by exporting or in the properties of the created category.



Name product

Mandatory field is not set + line number.


EAN code of the product (More codes can be separated by a comma or new line in the cell (ALT+ENTER)).



Color code in HEX format (e.g. #EED5D2). Codes for individual colors can be found here.



Brief description product



Complete note product



Product quantity unit. The default setting is Piece (overview of suitable units).

Wrong unit + product name.


Measuring unit to be used at price tags. If not entered, the default unit “number of pieces” will be used when generating price tags. It relates to packagingmeasurement, see below.



Product sales price excluding VAT (e.g. 24,00 or 24.00)

You can omit this column if you are filling out the price including VAT priceWithVAT.

Wrong setting prices + product name, if priceWithVAT is not filled in correctly .


VAT rate entered in decimal format with a decimal point or comma (e.g. 1.21 for 21%, 1,15 for 15% or 1 for VAT non-payers).

Wrong setting tax + product name.


Product sale price including VAT (e.g. 24,00 or 24.00)

You can omit this column if you are filling out the price without VAT priceWithoutVAT.

Wrong setting prices + product name, if priceWithoutVAT is not filled in correctly


The number determining whether the product is displayed in the product overview on the main screen or not (1 or 0 - displayed / hidden). The default value is 0.



Number identifying a deleted product (1 or 0 - deleted / non-deleted). Once a product has been deleted, it no longer appears on the cash register. The default value is 0. Deletion will not occur if the product has set Ingredients or is itself a recipe. In this case, an error message will be displayed.

Mandatory field is not set + line number.


Indicates whether the product is deducted from the warehouse or not. For example, in the case of ingredients, the sales products are not deducted, only their raw materials (1 or 0 - deducted / not deducted). The default value is 0.



List of tags separated by commas without spaces (e.g. tag1, tag2, tag3). For product assignment use the tag with the prefix
-ac- (e.g. -ac-P0001).



List of fast notes a.k.a. product variants separated by commas without spaces (e.g. rare, medium, well done)



Integer indicating the product sequence in Dotypos. You may use a time series of any kind (not supported yet)



Defines whether the product is being sold at a discount or not (1 or 0 - reduction / no reduction).  The default value is 0.



Discount in percentages is applied to a product when onSale is set to 1 (sale value or 0). The default value is 0.



Number of customer points to be added to the customer during the sale (negative value deducts points). The default value is 0.



PLU product code, separate multiple codes with a comma or a new line in the cell (ALT+ENTER).

Invalid PLU format.


Number of items in the packaging (default value is 1)

The value must not be 0, packaging.


Measuring the packaging to be used at price tags. If not entered, the default unit “package of 1 piece” will be used when generating price tags. The default value is 1 Piece.



Currency used to price the product. For Czech crowns use the abbreviation CZK.



Minimum margin - if set, you will be alerted at the time of stocking up if the selling price does not match this set margin.



Delivery note number (not used yet, will be implemented in future versions)



Subject number for sale by proxy. The numbers of the created subjects can be found in Dotypos Cloud in the item Item management » Sales at authorization after clicking on subject’s detail.

EET subject with the specified id not found + subject id.


The minimal product margin either in percents "10%" or directly "10" in EUR.



The number defining whether the product allows bulk discounts (1 or 0 - discounts allowed / not allowed).

The mandatory field discountPermitted is not set.


Require price entering (1 or 0 - require / not require)

Required field requiresPriceEntry is not set.


Require quantity entering (1 or 0 -require / not require)

Mandatory field is not set requiresQuantityEntry.


Calculate time based value (1 or 0 - calculate / do not calculate)

The mandatory field timeable is not set.


Specifies whether the product in the category will be recorded (fiscalized) or not (1 or 0 - do not fiscalize / fiscalize). It does not apply to countries without mandatory electronic sales records, so it does not depend on the option you set.

The mandatory field fiscalizationdisabled is not set.


Enables (1) or disables (0) the option for takeaway sales for the appropriate product. The default value is 0.



Defines the sale overrunning quantity in stock for the appropriate product. The possible values are: ALLOW (allow), WARN (notify) and DISABLE (disable). The default value is ALLOW.

The mandatory field is not set DISABLE|ALLOW|WARN stockoverdraft + product name.


Indicates a joint sale. If the joint sale for the item is active (value 1), Dotypos also adds the ingredient items during the sale to the order. The joint sale is used e.g. for returnable containers.



Indicates manufactured products. The standard value is 0, for the manufactured product the value 1 will be here.



Indicates Special products. The default value is 0. Only for previously created special products will it be 1.



Indicates the ID number of the default course to which the product will be assigned. The ID number of the course can be obtained from the courses management.



Price in bonus points for the special product Points usage. This field is for internal purposes only. Do not modify it in any way.



An optional product name that (if filled in) is printed on receipts or kitchen orders instead of the standard name. To print on orders, you must edit the corresponding print job. Optionally, its use on generated documents such as invoices can be activated in the POS settings. The alternative name will also be displayed on the customer display and written into the external order services.



Individual price levels with VAT of the product (e.g. 24.00 or 24.00).



Indicates whether the product uses Combinations. The default value is 0. This field is for internal purposes only. Do not modify it in any way.



Date of product creation. This item is for internal use only and is ignored during import.



Indicates if the product is exempt from VAT (1 or 0 - exempt / non-exempt).  The default value is 0.



Price per package including VAT for ordering services (e.g. 15.00 or 15.00).



Product properties for ordering services separated by commas without spaces. Possible values are "vegan,vegetarian,gluten_free,lactose_free,children,alco,kosher,halal".

The field contains illegal values or duplicates - features + specified field value.


Hotness rating for ordering services - 0 spicy to 3 most spicy.

Field contains illegal values or duplicates - spiciness + specified field value.


A numerical list of allergens separated by a comma without spaces (e.g. 12,13).

Field contains illegal values or duplicates - allergens + specified field value.


Preparation time (only for the kitchen display being prepared)


The required items are marked in bold, other items (data) are optional. The obligatory columns must always contain some values!



Are supported .csv files with delimiter ; (semicolon) and , (comma). If semicolon is used, it is possible to separate decimal places by commas and periods. If you use a comma as a data separator, you must use a period to separate the decimal places.



Supported units

The unit is specified in the column units, unitsmeasurement and packaging. Enter in the file to be imported the English format shown below:


This manual is for information purposes only and does not provide any warranty. The given specifications may be changed without prior notification. Illustrations and schemes are for information purposes only. The appearance and functions of both the device and software may differ based on the current version of the product and applications.

Created with from Dotypos. ©2024 Dotykačka ČR s.r.o.


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